Wednesday, 9 January 2013

New Writing Year

Now why don't I just settle for what I can do? 

New Year, new tricks.

I have given in and invested in Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 12. With so many assignments to do this year as well as my editing commitments and long promised webinars for Writers on the Move, I am hoping that talking to my computer will be far quicker than  typing. It also gives me the chance just to ramble on as I would normally.

This is the first morning of using the program so I will write an updated review after I've been using it for a month.

I am still amazed when it does what I tell it and how accurate it is after such a short time.


No goals but loads of motivation. The year as always starts with frenetic activity – Editpalooza lll at Savvy Authors has produced another wonderful team of authors editing their romance and urban fantasy novels throughout January. Another set of exciting propects.

Tip from one of my team members:

If you're writing a romance novel in any shape or form, have a look at signing up for the free webinar offered by Crimson Romance on January 23 at 3 PM Eastern. This is a relatively new publishing house open for romance submissions and publishing four titles a week.

If you're short on the motivation, click on Joan Y. Edwards' Never Give Up logo that's heading the right hand column. Joan is indefatigable and it's infectious.

Back soon to add in the missing links and perhaps even do some planning. But for the moment I'm tired of talking and I have a horrid feeling that I perhaps need to type to function.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That must have been fun. Do the keys on your keyboard mpve up and down like the keys on a pianola? I hope your arm is better, but good to know you can still work without it fully functional.


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