We're delighted to welcome award winning children's writer Kathy Stemke today as she starts the second week of her book tour showcasing her lovely picture book, Trouble on Earth.
Join Kathy on her VBT and, if it's not there already,why not put Earth Day--April 22--in your calendar as a possible idea for a linking blog post?
And whether you are a keen photographer or just a happy snapper, try sending your best Earth Day photo to dancekam1 AT yahoo DOT com (no spaces) to be displayed on the last day of the tour. A winner will be selected and awarded a $10 gift card.
Welcome Kathy. Please tell us some more about Shelby and the part she plays in your new book.
With Earth Day approaching on April 22nd it's time to focus on educating our children about conservation. Trouble on Earth Day would be a great resource for this purpose and a super addition to any school or home library.
Shelby the squirrel shares what she learned in school about conservation with her parents. Together they discover many things around their house that can be recycled.
Book illustration by Kurt Wilken |
When Shelby follows the cries of an animal in the woods she finds and befriends a homeless bluebird. This unlikely pair of friends unites to solve the bluebird’s “Trouble” and bring singing back to the forest.
Unlikely Friends
Let’s take a look at some more unusual alliances. Which one do you like best?
1 All photographs removed owing to the difficulty of establishing ownership and copyright.
Sorry--they were cute....
Let me know your favorite by commenting below.
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Award winning author, Kathy Stemke’s first children’s picture book,Moving Through All Seven Days, was published on Lulu.
Her next two picture books, Sh, Sh, Sh Let the Baby Sleep,
and Trouble on Earth Day were released in 2011.
Both these books have been awarded
the Children’s Literary Classics Seal of Approval.
A teacher for 37 years, Kathy understands and loves children. It’s her desire
to give parents and teachers exciting books and resources to help them teach their children all the things they need to have a successful life. She offers great teaching tips and children’s book reviews as well as a monthly newsletter titled, Movement And Rhythm, on her blog. http://educationtipster.blogspot.com
Both are also available through Amazon, B & N, and other online stores.