Monday 23 April 2012

Writing Competitions and Challenges

Checking out the writing competitions widget
this month, I found many  links out of date,
and some even non-existent. If this continues, I shall remove
the widget and update my own competition
list at the beginning of each month.

If you have tried to access an out of date link,
please let me know through the comments.

Flash Fiction Contest

 The flash fiction contests at
The first prize is now £300 while the entry fee is
 fair at £5 for one story, £8 for two stories

Optional critique costs £10 per story
Closing dates this year are
 30th June, 30th September and 31st

There are also second and third prizes of £100 and £50

A new humour verse competition with the same closing dates but cheaper entry fees is running alongside this with the same closing dates. Again, good prize money--check it out.

Short Story Contest

  Check out the  Spring short story contest winners at
Writer's Village
and then write your own winner for the
next round.
Deadline: June 30
Plus, you'll get personal feedback on your
stories, win or lose. Good value for the £10 ( approx $16) entry fee.

Writing Challenges

This month's challenge is from Margie
McAllister whose 10-week Writing Challenge
starts today. Her writing tips are invaluable and this challenge is truly achievable.

 Writers in the challenge set their own goals

--from using Pinterest to blogging regularly to
rewriting difficult scenes in a first draft.

Margie is publishing an ebook. When everyone
logs progress, it should provide a
compendium of knowledge covering writing
and marketing issues.

Why do Challenges and Competitions?

Newly addicted to writing challenges and
competitions, I have learned something of

real use.

If I fail to complete the challenge--and so far, I
always do--, I have accomplished more than I
would have done without trying.

I have picked up new ideas, I have speeded up
my writing through consistent daily practice, I
have met and learned from new cyber friends.

All are achievements worth celebrating.

The challenges  may have a closing date, but
there's no reason not to complete them later in
one's own good time.

The Rewards

Another cause for celebration: commenting
on blogs can pay off in a most exciting way. 

This month through commenting on the
blog tour to celebrate the publication of
Maggie Ball's eco-novel The Black Cow, I
received a wonderful parcel from Australia.

I won three autographed copies of Maggie's
books in paperback, a fridge magnet and


And now Elysabeth Elderling is sending me
one of her hand-crafted bookworm
bookmarks--again for making a blog

My tip for next month: challenge yourself,
enter a writing competition, comment on
interesting blogs and see what happens.

And here's another giveaway worth winning:

Lowcountry Bribe by C. Hope Clark

Good Luck!

And please log your opinions  of challenges and contests in the comments below. :-)


  1. sorry--the headings are driving me mad--can't see rhyme nor reason in what's happening and no more time to fight the html :-(

  2. Good list. Like you, I use competitions to give me inspiration for writing and provide a little incentive. Working towards a particular theme or challenge can be fun, and help broaden the scope of my work. I entered the Writers Village comp last year and the feedback was worth the price of entry.


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